Bug Reports Dashboard

Welcome to the Official V Rising Bug Reporting Dashboard.
You can report bugs and technical issues here. Please include as many details as possible.
Before submitting a report, please visit our Guides to find solutions to known issues: https://guides.playvrising.com/hc/en-us
Optional: Please include your DiscordID so that we can reach out to you.

If you see that your issue is already posted, please upvote it instead of submitting a new one. This will help the V Rising Devs understand the most critical issues.

Please use the search function to find issues like yours!

-English only.
-Please be polite and respectful.
-We will try to prioritize the issues affecting the most players and the most critical bugs, but we can't guarantee that those at the top of the list will be solved first.
-This is not the place to submit Feedback or Request Features. Please submit them here: https://feedback.playvrising.com/

-If you have manually modified your game files or added any mods to the game, we cannot guarantee that we can fix your issue. Please try a clean reinstall.

Before posting a bug, please search and see if someone has already written about the issue you are having.

Missing DLC items and game keeps dashing out

I am missing my Eldest Bloodline Wolf Form after unlocking the V Blood today. Additionally, the game keeps timing out bringing me back to my desktop periodically when ...
Suggested by: Anthony (08 May) Upvoted: 09 May Comments: 4
New report DLC

Stuttering when using new soul wolf jump from the new dlc

Title has the entirety of the issue, no stuttering any other time, just stuttering sometimes when using new soul wolf animation/jump
Suggested by: DarkRubicant (09 May) Upvoted: 09 May Comments: 0
New report DLC Performance